Why I give to charity…
I support numerous charities and like to encourage others to do the same. But let me tell you the reasons why I give to charities and maybe I can convince you to do the same.
It makes you feel better.
This may sound a little selfish, but a common reason why most people do support charities. It makes people happier when giving. Knowing that you help others is very empowering and, in turn, makes you feel happier and fulfilled. The Charities Aid Foundation asked 700 of their donors to give their reason for giving to charities. 42% said that the enjoyment they receive from giving is a key influence.
Teach your children the importance of generosity.
Personally, a big reason to give to charity is to teach my kids the importance of giving, sharing, generosity. I hope that my children, by seeing me and my wife give to others, grow up knowing that giving back is the right thing to do. I want them to know they can make positive changes in the world. Children love to help others, and you can nurture this generosity from a young age by leading by example.
Show gratitude by giving back.
We all have the power to improve someone’s life. Sometimes it can be easy to forget how blessed we are, and we can forget to show our gratitude for everything that we have. Tens of thousands of people worldwide are doing vital work to make this world a better place, and supporting those people is a way to express our feelings and gratitude. I feel very blessed in my life, in health, family, opportunities.. this makes me want to be a blessing for others.
Every little bit can make an impact.
You may not give because you don’t have much to give. You may think your small donation won’t help much. But the good news is, every little bit helps. You don’t need to donate hundreds or thousands of dollars to make a difference in someone’s life. A few dollars or pounds can provide a week’s worth of meals for a child or medical attention in many countries. A few dollars can even help improve schools or build schools. Your small gift may not impact much in a western country, but there are many countries in the world where you impact someone’s life.
Donate in time or money
Donating to charities can be by writing a check or by volunteering. Both ways are super helpful. If you are too busy to volunteer, there are plenty of charities that would be happy to accept a financial gift. If you don’t have much money, you can donate your time and volunteer.
Donations are tax-deductible.
If I still haven’t convinced you yet, maybe this will. Everything you donate to a charity can save you money come tax time. Upon donating, you receive a tax receipt for your donation, which you can submit with your annual tax return. Just make sure the charity you donate to is approved and has official charity status. These rules differ per country.
And there are so many more reasons to give!